New York, New York

Hej! Jeg bor her! naturally I was thrilled to see the home I know and love pop up in your favorite destinations, let alone in the #1 spot! Please travel here, see the sites, eat the deliciousness, wander through the museums, do all the things. Don’t neglect the Frick Collection or the new York historical Society.


London, England

Pack your travel umbrellas friends, because London made the #2 spot! Honestly, I thought it’d be Paris, but I’m so thrilled to see that you’re exploring and loving London, a lot. With so much history, culture, and much more exciting restaurants by the day, I can’t wait to go back. Now, where’s the best afternoon tea, weekend market, and Instagram op? Spilde!


Paris, Frankrig

Ah, ma belle ville, j’adore. Whether I’m hustling from meeting to meeting or digging for vintage treasure, all activities are much more fun in Paris. even the simplest moments, walking down a street, purchasing a cup of coffee, or reading a book in a cafe seem to be swathed in romance and beauty. and that’s before we even get to the carbs…


Rome, Italy

You had me at pasta. but I’ll stick around for the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, and the gelato while I’m at it. honestly just tell the cab to let me out anywhere in this ancient, astounding city, I’ll be fine. It’s one of my all-time favorite destinations.



Since this is the only time you men suggested a country as a whole, I’m intrigued. This Nordic island country is best known for tourism through Reykjavik, its capital. It’s also known for tons of volcanoes, hot springs, and geysers—and puffins, don’t forget the puffins. They’re like smaller, better-dressed penguins. anybody who loves to spend many of their getaway outdoors, but needs something a bit much more active (and certainly colder) than the beach, ought to book a flight stat.


Tokyo, Japan

I want to travel here so badly I can’t stand it. The culture, the Izakayas, the shopping. Cliche, I know, but I’m one lost In Translation seeing away from impulse purchasing a 14-hour flight.


Santorini, Greece

Just hit “book flight,” honestly. What’s to think about? White, cubiform house-lined cliffs, breathtakingly blue waters, and all the Greek cuisine (arguably one of the best cuisines, come on—all the dips) to enjoy. Bring your best video camera and set a pointer for sunset, count on me.


Hong Kong, China

An unmistakable skyline, and night markets you could wander for hours—sign me up! I feel like I could spend weeks here and still have museums and monuments left to visit—there’s seriously a lot toGør. Hvis du planlægger en tur, skal du se til slutningen af ​​oktober-december, på den måde vil du undgå monsun/tyfon-sæson, som kan ødelægge en tur hurtigt.


Mexico City, Mexico

Jeg har brug for detaljer om disse Mexico City -ture, folk. Byen er enorm (573 kvadratkilometer, hvad?), Og jeg vil maksimere min tid og helst have et omfattende kort over de bedste restauranter, tak. Frida Kahlo-museet topper bestemt min to-dos sammen med Palacio Nacional for at se Diego Riveras velkendte vægmaleri, Mexicos historie. Faktisk er alle museer i Mexico City på min liste, vær venlig at hjælpe mig med at indsnævre tingene tak.


Venedig, Italien

Jeg er ked af, vi kan tage både i stedet for biler, og det er en normal ting, og der er pasta og rødvin, og bygningerne er farverige og smukke, og alle broer er gode til ‘gramming?! Hvornår rejser vi.


Toscana, Italien

Vores tredje italienske destination, som jeg ikke er vred på i det mindste, Toscana er vinelskerens eventyr. Besøg vinmarkerne, smag fra vinmarkerne, ophold endda på vinmarkerne. Bare sørg for, at overhovedet peger på din rejse, når du ser op alt hvad du kan se, ruller grønne bakker af vinstokke og helst en spektakulær solnedgang. Sådan ved du, at du gør det rigtigt.


Bali, Indonesien

Jeg har lyst til, at enhver yogaklasse, jeg ville tage efter denne rejse, ville være sådan en nedlukning. Generelt taler vi spektakulære omgivelser, bemærkelsesværdige (og overkommelige!) Køkken og resorts, der ligner filmsæt. Cool, så når vi går?

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